
      Welcome!    If you are an independent ("Unaffiliated") or independent-minded voter in Maryland, you're in great company! As of March, 2022, more than 20% of Maryland voters are registered as Unaffiliated, and many other independent-minded voters reluctantly registered as a Democrat or Republican in order to vote in primary elections. Let's connect and grow our community of independents in Maryland! We invite you to contact us.

    Let your voice be heard by signing our petition!

      Right now, over one-fifth of Maryland's voter population is excluded from participating in primary elections unless they affiliate with either Democrat or Republican party. This is true even though their taxes pay for those elections. They want to participate in the primary election to choose candidates for their districts and feel they should not be made to join a political party in order to do so (see "Background" below for more information).

      NOTE: The information you are providing for the petition will not be used for any purpose other than to verify your support for open primaries in Maryland. Information such as geographical, constituent, age, etc. will be used for general data to be presented to the general public -- it will not be shared with outside third-party groups.

Background Information for petition